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Tournament-Style Video Gaming with EliteGaming Live

Students will have 24/7 access to the platform in order to participate in the STEM curriculum. They will complete lessons and can earn points and power ups that can be used during the five tournament events. 


During the tournament events, students will have the ability to chat with one another on the platform (not voice, but a chat window). These events will be moderated and hosted by an Elite Gaming Coach. Students will earn points while they play against one another. These events are the only time points can be earned for playing games and the only time everyone will be logged in at the same time playing. 


Points will accumulate over the summer/the tournaments and top scorers will be entered into the Championship and will compete against other Elite Gaming students across the country.


Games that are compatible with the Elite Gaming Platform are: Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Rocket League, FIFA, Madden and NBA2k.

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